Thank You, Chris Sensei

Posted on by Arran Fisher

Chris Hayward Sensei has decided to step aside as Dojo-cho for Calgary Aikikai after nearly 20 years in the role. We’d like to wish him all the best and express our gratitude as he continues his Aikido training with all of us on the mat. We look forward to the classes he will teach, as always. once he returns from his upcoming knee surgery.

Chris with Inaba Shihan, c. 2007

Chris started Aikido with Inaba Sensei in 1996, receiving his Shodan in 2002 and Go Dan in 2020. For many years, he was in charge of our Children’s Programme, while his own kids were students.

He was assigned the role of Dojo-cho by Inaba Sensei before we moved the dojo to its present location in 2008. In this role, he oversaw many significant changes, from the relocation of the dojo, to the passing of our Shihan, the formation of the Calgary Aikikai society and Organisation, the COVID pandemic, and many smaller bumps along the road.
He has been a steadfast leader as the main coordinator with the church location, our Technical Coordinator, and as the first point of contact for any personal issues on the mat.
His calm nature and level-headedness have always been significant in keeping the dojo running smoothly and weathering the occasional challenges that are inevitable in this type of organisation.
Domo Arigato Gozaimashita!!

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