Our children’s classes are for ages 6 and up. Kids 13 and older may start aikido in the adult class, depending on their maturity level. Emphasis is on good discipline and healthy attitude while enjoying a fun and rigorous practice. Drop by any of our children’s classes to watch or participate. Find out more
Aikido for adults
Our adult classes focus on proper technique and mental focus as well as overall fitness and flexibility. Calgary Aikikai welcomes persons of any age, gender or ability. New students may come and watch any class, and may also participate in up to four classes free of charge to see how they like it.
Calgary Aikikai
Since 1980, Calgary Aikikai has trained hundreds of students in this martial art that is both a practical self-defence and form of creative movement. We believe that the best way to learn is through enjoyable and spirited practice, with an emphasis on traditional techniques.
Kubo Sensei and Kobayashi Sensei at our 30th Anniversary
Calgary Aikikai would like to congratulate both Robert Kubo Sensei on his recent 8th Dan promotion and Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei on his 7th dan promotion. Thank you senseis for your tireless dedication and promotion of aikido worldwide.
The dojo will be closed starting December 20th with the first practice of the New Year on Monday January 5th. Kagami Baraki ( our New Year celebration pot luck with rice pounding) will be on Saturday, January 24th quickly followed by Igarashi Sensei’s seminar on the weekend of January 30 to February 1st. Registration is open.
We wish everyone a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you back in the dojo in the new year.
A big congratulations goes out to our newest third kyu student, Azusa Hirota, who passed her test on Saturday, November 1st. Keep up the great training and hard work Azusa.
Filed under Adult news, News, Promotions
Tagged as h.kobayashi senseikubo senseinewspromotion