Our children’s classes are for ages 6 and up. Kids 13 and older may start aikido in the adult class, depending on their maturity level. Emphasis is on good discipline and healthy attitude while enjoying a fun and rigorous practice. Drop by any of our children’s classes to watch or participate. Find out more
Aikido for adults
Our adult classes focus on proper technique and mental focus as well as overall fitness and flexibility. Calgary Aikikai welcomes persons of any age, gender or ability. New students may come and watch any class, and may also participate in up to four classes free of charge to see how they like it.
Calgary Aikikai
Since 1980, Calgary Aikikai has trained hundreds of students in this martial art that is both a practical self-defence and form of creative movement. We believe that the best way to learn is through enjoyable and spirited practice, with an emphasis on traditional techniques.
Igarashi Shihan, 7th Dan (Hashimoto, Japan) will join our members, old friends, new friends and any practitioners who are interested in the art for “The Last Igarashi Seminar” in Calgary: June 30th to July 2nd, 2017. Sensei has visited Calgary over the past 20+ years, sharing his skills and knowledge of aikido to all who wish to learn.
He will once more be instructing us, with precision and his special humour, on his vast knowledge of weapons and hand techniques. Whether you practice aikido, another art, or are interested in trying it out, this is the final opportunity to practice with this great master in the foreseeable future.
This April we are excited to be welcoming for the very first time seventh dan Michael Friedl Shihan of Aikido of Ashland in Oregon. Sensei will be teaching with us from April 7th to 9th, 2017. All are welcome to come train and learn with this master instructor who has been practicing aikido for over 45 years.
In my time at various dojos as a member, or as a visitor, it has come up numerous times as to what a black belt is, what does it represent and what it does not. In many cases it is viewed as a landmark of excellence and others as a starting point in ones understanding of the art and one’s individual progress on a path.
In dojos I have practiced in the range of “technical expertise” has varied dramatically which used to puzzle me. In North America “the belt” has over time morphed into somewhat of a status symbol and goal for many practitioners but real value depends much on the individual and the rigour and or philosophy of the dojo/association.
“A black belt has only the meaning which you place upon it. It is, after all, only a belt, much better suited at holding a dogi together than holding together sociological constructs.”
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