Posted on by Shane Fielder
1. Develop better strategies for conflict resolution As a martial art, Aikido offers great advantages as a personal self defense system. But did you know that Aikido strategies can be used in everyday life to help increase your conflict resolution abilities? Many high ranking Aikido teachers in North America are also highly trained counsellors, teachers and Read more
Posted on by Andrew Barron
In my time at various dojos as a member, or as a visitor, it has come up numerous times as to what a black belt is, what does it represent and what it does not. In many cases it is viewed as a landmark of excellence and others as a starting point in ones understanding Read more
Posted on by Arran Fisher
Calgary Aikikai in its old Manchester location (I wrote this some time ago, but thought it still has relevance to our practice today, and provides a little insight into a previous era of Calgary Aikikai. It was originally published January 2008 on the indie music site The photo above is from 2009, I believe) Read more