News for adult members.

Winter One-Day Aikido Intensive

Posted on by Beau Calvez

Please join us for a special one day intensive on Sunday, March 3rd. Taught by the humble instructors at Calgary Aikikai and finishing up with a small social event following the intensive. Open to all we hope to see you on the mat. Sun, March 3rd Adults and Youths(14+) 1:00pm to 6:00pm Cost Participants (13+): Read more

Congratulations Chris Sensei!Awarded Godan Certificate

Posted on by Beau Calvez

A big heart felt congratulations to Chris Hayward Sensei on his recent promotion to Godan! A well deserved promotion for one of our longest serving members and the dojo-cho of Calgary Aikikai! Chris puts his heart and soul into our organization and is always the first one there to set things up and always willing Read more

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