Our children’s classes are for ages 6 and up. Kids 13 and older may start aikido in the adult class, depending on their maturity level. Emphasis is on good discipline and healthy attitude while enjoying a fun and rigorous practice. Drop by any of our children’s classes to watch or participate. Find out more
Aikido for adults
Our adult classes focus on proper technique and mental focus as well as overall fitness and flexibility. Calgary Aikikai welcomes persons of any age, gender or ability. New students may come and watch any class, and may also participate in up to four classes free of charge to see how they like it.
Calgary Aikikai
Since 1980, Calgary Aikikai has trained hundreds of students in this martial art that is both a practical self-defence and form of creative movement. We believe that the best way to learn is through enjoyable and spirited practice, with an emphasis on traditional techniques.
This September we are excited to welcome back to the mats of Calgary Aikikai our good friend and sixth dan Ryuji Shirakawa Shihan of Sendai, Japan. This three day event in Calgary, Alberta is Shirakawa Sensei’s only North American appearance this year. Scheduled from September 20th to the 22nd. All are welcome to come and participate and learn from this exciting, dynamic, and energetic instructor.
All Aikidoka are welcome to join Calgary Aikikai at our first Inaba Friendship Aikido Intensive, July 19 and 20, 2019. This two-day event is a chance to dig deep into your training and share the mat with local dojos in a spirit of collaboration and friendship. Special emphasis will be given to training with jo and bokken, with a chance to train vigorously on various kata and basic movements. We’re excited to welcome senseis from across Calgary, with instructors from Big Rock Aikikai, Aikido Tanren Juku, Aikido Dai Etsu and Calgary Aikikai. Come prepared to sweat and smile!
We are excited to bring back our one day Inaba Intensive. Come join us for an afternoon of aikido training taught in 45-minute increments by instructors from around Calgary! Optionally we’ll all head out for some dinner following the training.
Filed under Adult news, Events, Kids news, News, SeminarPost, Seminars
Tagged as adultsaikidoeventsfall seminarkidsryujiryuji senseiseminar