Aikido for kids

Kids love aikido

Our children’s classes are for ages 6 and up. Kids 13 and older may start aikido in the adult class, depending on their maturity level. Emphasis is on good discipline and healthy attitude while enjoying a fun and rigorous practice. Drop by any of our children’s classes to watch or participate. Find out more

Aikido for adults

Aikido is fun

Our adult classes focus on proper technique and mental focus as well as overall fitness and flexibility. Calgary Aikikai welcomes persons of any age, gender or ability. New students may come and watch any class, and may also participate in up to four classes free of charge to see how they like it.

Calgary Aikikai

Aikido is fun

Since 1980, Calgary Aikikai has trained hundreds of students in this martial art that is both a practical self-defence and form of creative movement. We believe that the best way to learn is through enjoyable and spirited practice, with an emphasis on traditional techniques.

On the mat

Winter Aikido Seminar 2016, with Ryuji Shirakawa Sensei

Posted on by Beau Calvez

This December we are excited to welcome back Ryuji Shirakawa Sensei of Sendai, Japan for another exciting aikido seminar. This three day event is scheduled for Friday, December 2nd to Sunday, December 4th. Please join us on the mat for an energetic practice and great training the first week of December.

Please Note! Due to scheduling conflict Sunday’s training session will be held at Masa Kokoro Dojo. Located at 4630 16 Avenue Northwest. Our apologies for the confusion

FRI, Dec 2

Children’s Session (6-13)


SAT, Dec 3

Adults (14+)

Saturday event

Registration and info

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Kid’s classes resume on, Wednesday, September 7th!

Posted on by Beau Calvez


Welcome back kids! We hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to another great season of fun, games, and training in aikido. We’ll be back this Wednesday, September 7th at 6:45pm. New students are welcome! See you on the mat!

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My Experience of Aikido

Posted on by Arran Fisher

Calgary Aikikai in it old Manchester location
Calgary Aikikai in its old Manchester location

(I wrote this some time ago, but thought it still has relevance to our practice today, and provides a little insight into a previous era of Calgary Aikikai. It was originally published January 2008 on the indie music site The photo above is from 2009, I believe)

About twice a week I make the trek to a warehouse in the industrial southeast of Calgary, walk around the back, weave my way past 18-wheelers and commercial debris and go up the blue metal staircase to one of my favourite places. This might sound like many a band’s rehearsal space, but in this case I’m talking about my dojo, the place where I’ve practiced the martial art of Aikido for the past 12 years.

Upon opening the door, I’m greeted with a hearty “Konichiwa” from the other students, like I’ve entered a sushi restaurant. I bow to the photograph of Aikido’s founder, Morihei Ueshiba, and immediately I’m transported into another world. My mind is cleared of the stresses of normal city life, and I’m immersed in an atmosphere of camaraderie and scholarship, all couched in Japanese tradition and etiquette


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