Phrases And Greetings
Onegai shimasu Please teach me. (Said when bowing at start of practice.)
Domo arigato gozaimashita Thank you very much. (Said when bowing at end of practice.)
Sumimasen Excuse me/I’m sorry
Hai Yes
Ohayogozaimasu Good morning (Said when entering dojo in the morning.)
Konichiwa Hello – mid day/afternoon – during daylight (Said when entering dojo during the day.)
Oyasumi nasai Goodnight (Said when leaving the dojo at night.)
Rei Bow
1 – ichi 11 – jyu-ichi 30 – san-jyu
2 – ni 12 – jyu-ni 40 – yon-jyu
3 – san 13 – jyu-san 50 – go-jyu
4 – shi (yon) 14 – jyu-yon 60 – roku-jyu
5 – go 15 – jyu-go 70 – shichi-jyu
6 – roku 16 – jyu-roku 80 – hachi-jyu
7 – shichi (nana) 17 – jyu-shichi (nana) 90 – ku-jyu
8 – hachi 18 – jyu-hachi 100 – Hiyaku ju
9 – ku (kyu) 19 – jyu-ku (kyu)
10 – jyu 20 – ni-jyu
Basic Terms
Aikido The way of harmonizing spirit (coordinating energy)
Sensei Teacher
Dojo Place of “the way” (training hall)
Kamae Posture, stance
Suwari Kneeling techniques
Maai Distance between two persons facing each other
Tachi waza Standing techniques
Tenshin Moving sideways and back (off line of attack)
Kata Fixed patterns practiced solo, in pairs or groups
Tai no tenkan Tenkan practice turning the one hand held by uke
Uke Person who receives the Nage’s movement
Nage The person who performs the movement
Ukemi Falls or receiving of throws
Tobu-ukemi Breakfall (jumping)
Body Movements – Taisabaki
Irimi Entering
Tenkan Turning
Kaiten Enter and turn (irimi tenkan)
Soto mawari Moving to the outside
Uchi Mawari Moving to the inside
Omote waza Moving in front of
Ura waza Moving behind
Basic Exercises
Funakogi undo Boat rowing exercise
Udefuri undo Arm swinging exercise
Ikkyo undo First principle exercise (arm immobilization)
Shiho undo Four direction exercise
Zengo undo Front & Back exercise
Kokyudosa Breath exercise
Haishin Back stretching exercise
Rolls and Stances
Mae ukemi Front roll
Ushiro ukemi Back roll
Hidari hanmi Left stance (left foot forward)
Migi hanmi Right stance (right foot forward)
Shikko Knee walking
Suwari waza Seated technique
Hanmi Handachi Uke standing, nage sitting
Gyaku hanmi Opposite stance (when facing your partner)
Ai hanmi Same stance (when facing your partner)
Defenses (Techniques)
Ikkyo First principle (arm immobilization)
Nikyo Second principle (wrist bending)
Sankyo Third principle (hand and wrist twisting)
Yonkyo Fourth principle (pressure point)
Gokyo Fifth principle (against knife)
Iriminage Body entering throw
Shinonage Four direction throw
Koshinage Hip throw
Jyujinage Arms cross lock throw
Aikitoshi Aiki drop
Kokyunage Breath throw
Kokyudosa Breath exercise
Shomenuchi Strike to the front of the head
Yokomenuchi Strike to the side of the head
Ai hanmi katate-dori Holding partner’s wrist, right to right, or left to left
Katatedori Holding partner’s wrist, right to left, or left to right
Katadori One hand holding partner’s shoulder, right to left or left to right
Katadori menuchi Holding partner’s shoulder & striking front of the head
Tsuki Punch or thrust (Jodan-high, chudan-middle, gedan-low)
Kubishime Choking, strangling
Ryotedori Holding both wrists from the front
Ryokatadori Holding both shoulders
Munadori Holding the chest (lapel)
Katate ryotedori (Morotedori) Holding one wrist with both hands
Sodedori Holding the sleeve
Ushiro waza Techniques or any attack from behind
Ushiro ryotedori Holding both wrists from behind
Ushiro tekubitori both wrists grabbed from behind
Ushiro ryokatadori Holding both shoulders from behind
Ushiro katatedori kubijime Holding one wrist and choke from behind
Ushiro kubishime Choke from behind with free hand grabbing wrist
Jotori Jo techniques
Tachitori Attack with bokken
Tantotori Attack with knife