January 22, 2018

Six Rules When Attending Aikido Seminars

Rule 1: Keep an eye on Sensei at all times Zanshin – loosely “mental connection” or “awareness” — is an important ability to cultivate. At higher levels the top instructors value intuition and spontaneity more than a student’s ability to just follow ritual and protocol. Watch the footwork, the follow through, and listen to their Read more

This item was posted by Andrew Barron.

September 15, 2017

Aikido is a handshake

The Scout’s Handshake The Essence of Aikido is Contained in a Handshake Aikido is formed from three kanji. “Ai” is the unifying, or combining, the “Ki” as the spirit, or energy, and the “Do” a way, or a path. In 99% of situations if one were to extend a hand to another, that person would Read more

This item was posted by Andrew Barron.

September 29, 2016

A Black Belt Meaning

In my time at various dojos as a member, or as a visitor, it has come up numerous times as to what a black belt is, what does it represent and what it does not. In many cases it is viewed as a landmark of excellence and others as a starting point in ones understanding Read more

This item was posted by Andrew Barron.
